TN Parents goes on to state: "Not only that, this agreement would give Commissioner Huffman (who is ON the Executive Committee of PARCC) and the TNDOE the power to expand Common Core to include the Next Generation Common Core Science Standards, Social Studies Standards, and those Common Core Sexual Education standards that parents have been freaking out about.
Also very disturbing, things that were promised to be included, like protection for student data, have been so watered down, they are worthless. FERPA is not the safe law everyone thinks it is. FERPA doesn't protect our children against data sharing without parental consent, it just makes it legal for companies and organizations to do so, and there's nothing that parents can do to stop it. This is sickening and scary for parents.
Politicians that vote for this will be just playing right in to their hands, and they know it. This is a deliberate, underhanded move by the administration.
Remember just a few weeks ago?
82 Representatives bravely voted to delay Common Core
88 Representatives wisely voted to delay PARCC
Heads up: They are also trying to SNEAK the VOUCHER bill through on another bill (again).
It is a shame that the leaders of the House & Senate are doing the bidding of Governor Haslam and corporate-interests instead of representing the people that elected them to serve."
Momma Bear talking here again: Here is a copy of that Committee Report that was just placed on the TN state website today--on the LAST DAY of the legislative session. Keep in mind that legislators and the public have been told by General Assembly leadership that there would be a 1-year PARCC delay agreement in the Conference Committee. In fact, as late as yesterday, members of the media were reporting that the Conference Committee had agreed on a 1-year delay. And, this morning, on the very last day of session, we wake up to this news. How are Tennesseans supposed to trust our so-called leaders--especially Commissioner Huffman & Governor Haslam? This is a sad day for democracy.