If so, Momma Bears wants to hear from you. Please contact us privately through our website's contact form:
A group of parents are considering a class action lawsuit.
Has your child been given an inappropriate survey without your consent? or required to join websites that parents are not allowed access to?
If so, Momma Bears wants to hear from you. Please contact us privately through our website's contact form: http://www.mommabears.org/contact-us.html A group of parents are considering a class action lawsuit. Some parents in Tennessee were SHOCKED to hear what their 5th grade children were asked at school. And it wasn't asked by another student. It was asked by the STATE of TENNESSEE! A furious TN mother tells this story: My 5th grader took the PARCC practice today. Then she said they logged out of the PARCC writing and opened up a survey that asked if they have ever done drugs. One question we all were puzzled with - and I keep thinking- maybe she remembered wrong... "Have you ever been bullied for being nonsexual?" She did not even know what that meant. It was awful. Our mouths were wide open as she poured out these grave details at dinner. The kids were all laughing and giggling and the teachers had to keep redirecting them to the survey. One girl was so struck by this question she fell out of her seat and rolled on the floor with giggles. They did not know what it meant. They thought it was funny. Then the questions - did you smoke pot? Do any drugs? Drink? They were all giggling and wondering what would happen if they all answered yes. My husband and I were horrified. There were questions my child did not want to answer and tried to skip. But, the computer made them answer something before moving on. This is troubling to me as well. So WHY were children asked these questions??? Well, the Tennessee Department of Education was awarded a discretionary grant from the U.S. Department of Education to "support district and school measurement of, and targeted programmatic interventions to improve, conditions for learning." (Note: Momma Bears have come to realize that a "Government Grant" ALWAYS has strings attached. It means they will do things that we wouldn't allow them to do without the grant money as bribery, like Racing to the Top, common core, and paying outrageous salaries to "consultants"). Tennessee is one of 11 states that were awarded this grant, but Tennessee is the only state that has developed its own survey to determine conditions for learning and that intend to "connect academic data to the conditions for learning data." Anyway, this grant awarded by the US Department of Education (that's important to note, file that in the back of your head) paid for a slick website, some people to create invasive surveys to anonymously collect personal information about our children, and staff to run the program. Government wastefulness and invasion of privacy at its finest, ladies and gentlemen! (Click HERE to see the website for yourself) What were those questions that had students giggling in embarrassment and parents blushing in horror? Momma Bears found the surveys. There are 2 different surveys (Middle School & High School), each containing 88 personal questions. We couldn't really tell a difference between the 2 surveys, other than the title page. Asked of 5th graders: Did we mention that PARENTS WERE NOT NOTIFIED OR EVEN ASKED FOR CONSENT BEFORE THEIR CHILDREN WERE GIVEN THESE SURVEYS? Sorry, Momma Bears isn't yelling (although, we're pretty steaming mad over this!). That part in capital letters is very important. Because, you see, the State of TN and that school have broken a law. (Note: The Mom above is unsure if she or her husband gave permission at the beginning of the year with all the registration forms they signed. If they did, they certainly did not understand the types of questions that would be asked of their child.) The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) clearly states that parents must give WRITTEN consent BEFORE any surveys funded by the U.S. Department of Education are given to minor children: The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232h; 34 CFR Part 98) applies to programs that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education (ED). PPRA is intended to protect the rights of parents and students in two ways: Okay, so some parents may be thinking... "What's the big deal? It is a rough world out there. Those kids will learn about illegal drugs and sex soon enough." Well, some parents have conservative values and we don't want our children exposed to these topics at this age or in this manner. Parents should be the ones doing the educating about those issues, not the government. Parents should be the ones to decide when that time is right for their child. And some parents may be thinking... "What's the big deal? Those were anonymous surveys so they aren't really collecting personally identifiable data on my child." Someone is collecting that information to use for some purpose. And the time spent taking the 88 question survey is time that our kids could be learning. Anonymous or not, Momma Bears are suspicious of surveys given to our kids. Momma Bears has another personal Demographic Survey that we bet you didn't know about, and this one has each student's name directly tied to their answers: THE PLAN PRE-TEST ASSESSMENT: The PLAN PRE-TEST is given to 10th graders in TN to predict how they will do on the all-important ACT college entrance exam. These are definitely NOT anonymous. When students take this PLAN test, they are asked about an hour's worth of demographic questions. Parents aren't allowed to see those questions, but our children told us there are questions about: religious denomination, class schedule, address, GPA, Honors, if your parents are divorced, who do you live with, ethnicity/race, etc. Like the computerized climate surveys above, students could not skip questions they didn't want to answer. Not only are there personal questions, districts can also develop up to 30 local questions to add to the demographic survey part. (Click HERE to read more about the PLAN). It is important to note that:
Where is this information going? Who knows. Is it safe? Nothing is safe these days. Even major retail stores, like Target, and major Banks can't keep personal information secure. In fact, click HERE to see some scary security violations with students' personal information recently here in Tennessee schools! Yes, prisoners had access to private student information. GAGGLE: Another thing Momma Bears needs to warn you about is something called "Gaggle." In some districts, students in TN are required to sign up for a Gaggle account. This sounds like a neat program for safe online learning, but it gets a bit suspicious when they won't allow parents to have their child's password to see what is going on. Even creepier, Gaggle has a "Human Monitoring Service." Its website says that Gaggle's HMS team has "uncovered bullying, drug use, threats of school violence, teen depression, suicidal intentions, and abusive domestic situations." So, strangers are snooping on our children's private information, but parents can't see it? Unless a formal Law Enforcement Request is made, HMS data will be released only to the district contacts, and not parents. (Click HERE to find out about Gaggle) What can you do about it? Be vigilant, Momma Bears! Send a letter to your child's teacher and principal stating your child is not to be given any surveys or sign up for any online learning programs without your written permission. Ask to see the survey or program before you give permission, and be sure to ask who has access to the information. Before you sign anything, read the fine print. Momma Bears, protect your babies! It is a scary world out there!!! Added 1/30/14: Has your child been given an inappropriate survey without your consent? or required to join websites that parents are not allowed access to? If so, Momma Bears wants to hear from you. Please contact us privately through our website's contact form: http://www.mommabears.org/contact-us.html A group of TN parents are considering a class action lawsuit. UPDATE BLOG to this inappropriate Climate Survey blog: http://www.mommabears.org/blog/update-inappropriate-climate-surveys-in-tn It is time, Momma Bears, Daddy Bears, & Grandparent Bears... Millions of out-of-state dollars and people are flooding our state eager for our children and their education tax dollars. Though they can't buy YOUR vote, they can influence our elected officials. That is why it is EXTREMELY-EXCEEDINGLY-EXTRAORDINARILY-HIGHLY-HUGELY-IMMENSELY-TERRIBLY-TOTALLY-SUPER-IMPORTANT for you to speak your voice to our elected officials. Yes, it is THAT important. Why??? Not many elected officials have children in public schools, so they need to be told what we, as voting citizens and parents, want. Because they need our votes to stay in office, most elected officials DO listen to citizens. Here's what you need to do: 1. Write a polite, brief email about why you don't like Common Core. Keep it short and sweet, but also speak your heart. It really helps to add details about how it is affecting you and your children. Some examples:
2. Go to http://www.capitol.tn.gov/legislators to find the email addresses and phone numbers of YOUR elected representatives in TN. 3. Send your elected officials your emails. (Bonus points: Call their offices in Nashville and tell them you are their constituent and you want them to get rid of Common Core.) 4. Pat yourself on the back for standing up for your children and their education! A gazillion extra BONUS points:
Contact ALL of the elected officials in TN (their email addresses are conveniently listed at www.TNparents.org so you can easily cut and paste). Maybe you'll make a difference like this parent did: "A year ago, I was frustrated over the school situation here. I sat down and emailed some people who could fix the problem. I’d never emailed them before, and I figured I’d never hear anything back from it other than a “thank you for contacting this important person blah blah blah” kind of blanket reply. I was shocked to get real, personal responses back from some of them! One Representative from east TN replied and said that my email changed his vote! I couldn't believe that a little old Mom like myself could make a difference. Ever since then, I've been advocating for children in my school and state. My voice DOES make a difference!" ~ A parent from Shelby County, TN |
January 2021
Momma BearsJust some moms who realize their children's public school systems in TN, as well as public schools across the country, have major threats to their survival. We research, we write, we share, and we advocate. Categories