My, oh, my!
Since Monday's failure, we've never seen so many irate parents and teachers on social media! Our blog was late posting to the cyber world that night, but hit nearly 2,000 views before midnight. A teacher in East TN who has a lovely blog called, "Bringing Back Mayberry," wrote about the testing mess she experienced yesterday and we can see there are already over 3,000 facebook likes on it! We Momma Bears are seeing people who normally don't post on social media posting rants and sharing articles about it. A journalist in Chattanooga even wrote a nice article about the testing mess and shared our Momma Bears website and blog. It is a hot topic, and everyone seems to be upset and want out of this mess!
One mom wrote, "Our teachers, coaches, administrators and staff will ultimately have to do the impossible and make this work and will most likely be asked to do so without question or complaint. They are held accountable while our leaders get a free pass. It's time for someone to step up and hold our leaders accountable for their actions and lack of support for our schools and repeated mismanagement of our tax dollars."
Legislators are upset, too. Rep. Bo Mitchell of Nashville was quoted in the news for wisely saying, "If they would take those dollars and fully fund our schools instead of trying all of these schemes to put a middle man, to put more money in their pockets, we may improve education in this state.”
So it is funny when we hear that Commissioner Candice McQueen says that she's only really hearing from frustrated people in Hamilton County, Tennessee:
It is also funny to read that Commissioner McQueen "has lost confidence" in the TNReady test vendor. Because we've lost confidence in her, and we have serious doubts. Some irate parents even started an online petition to demand her resignation. Parents want their voices to be heard! {and more than just the 15 hand-picked parents on McQueen's Parent Council that STILL hasn't been revealed, even though the TDOE spokesperson told parents last week in Johnson City, TN at a town hall meeting sponsored by the PTA that the list of Parent Council names were on the TDOE website along with the press release. Nope, they're not there. Someone is fibbing.}
So, Momma Bears, you have some polite pestering to do...
Here's Commissioner Candice McQueen's contact info:
[email protected]
(You should also cc: Governor [email protected] since he gave her the job)
(615) 741-5158
Go ahead, give her an earful (and be sure to tell her where you're from in TN!)
Two points to make to your elected officials:
- The high-stakes testing is out-of-control! We want it drastically reduced and transparent. We do not want teacher evaluations to be connected to our children's test scores. (Okay, sorry, that's more than 1 point.)
- We sure don't want vouchers! The TDOE royally screwed up this testing contracting job, and they screwed up last year's TCAP test results, and they are screwing up the state-run ASD schools... why on Earth would legislators trust them with millions of dollars in voucher dollars flowing to private interests which are unaccountable and nontransparent?!? Learn from others mistakes: In other states, the logistics of vouchers have led to mismanagement, fraud, segregation, students falling through cracks, and overall worse student outcomes for students (especially poor kids). TN doesn't need vouchers; we need fully funded public schools!
Sorry, that's like a gazillion points. We Momma Bears cannot help but get on a soapbox once we get started. It makes us so mad! Go get on your own soapbox and politely pester your elected officials. Your voice is important! Blast off, parents!