After the many "Break the MIST" days that students spent their time to occupy bandwidth to profit the company that was contracted to create the TNReady test...
After all the hours teachers and administrators spent getting training on how to administer the test...
After the glossy brochures sent to every single school parent in the state...
After the high-priced commercials aired across the state...
After hearing Commissioner Candice McQueen repeatedly assure people that the TNReady test was going to work and that she thought it was better than what we'd had with TCAP...
After spending $108 million tax dollars on this new test...
After all of this hype, time, and money...
THIS happened on the very first day of TNReady testing today:
We guess you could say that the good news in all of this is that the TDOE has declared all online testing to be halted for this year; students will be given paper tests that don't need electricity to take.
If there's a silver lining in all of this, the legislators were most likely bombarded today with upset people over the Epic TNReady fail, so the voucher bill that was scheduled to be voted upon today was rolled until Thursday. {{{So, please contact your legislators again and tell them not to vote for vouchers - and be sure to tell them about your child's frustrating experience with testing!}}}
Some think Commissioner McQueen should be fired. Today's epic fail of TNReady is a tremendous mess with major implications for students, for their teachers whose jobs are dependent upon student test scores, and for schools who are labeled "failing" by these test scores. We question if Governor Haslam should be held accountable, too, since he appointed McQueen and also her predecessor who got us into this mess, Kevin Huffman. As it usually happens though with oligarchs, they get away with "failing," have no "accountablility," and end up failing upward in job status. But, gosh, wouldn't it be nice if the world were fair, if someone at the top were held accountable, and if a true educator were in that position of leadership??? Oh, we can dream and vote.
If you're fed up, want to vent, or read others venting on social media over this epic testing fail, here are some hashtags to enjoy:
If you want to opt your child out of this mess, we created some website pages that might be helpful to you.