www.Dictionary.com: rig·or [rig-er] (noun)
1. strictness, severity, or harshness, as in dealing with people.
2. the full or extreme severity of laws, rules, etc.
3. severity of living conditions; hardship; austerity: the rigor of wartime existence.
4. a severe or harsh act, circumstance, etc.
5. scrupulous or inflexible accuracy or adherence: the logical rigor of mathematics.
World English Dictionary: rigor (ˈraɪɡɔː, ˈrɪɡə) — n
1. med a sudden feeling of chilliness, often accompanied by shivering: it sometimes precedes a fever
2. pathol rigidity of a muscle; muscular cramp
3. a state of rigidity assumed by some animals in reaction to sudden shock
4. the inertia assumed by some plants in conditions unfavourable to growth
Synonyms: 1. inflexibility, stringency. 4. cruelty.
How about using the word, "VIGOR," instead?
www.Dictionary.com: vig·or [vig-er] noun
1.active strength or force.
2.healthy physical or mental energy or power; vitality.
3.energetic activity; energy; intensity: The economic recovery has given the country a new vigor.
4.force of healthy growth in any living matter or organism, as a plant.
5.active or effective force, especially legal validity.
World English Dictionary: vigour or ( US ) vigor (ˈvɪɡə) — n
1.exuberant and resilient strength of body or mind; vitality
2.substantial effective energy or force: the vigour of the tempest
3.forcefulness; intensity: the vigour of her complaints
4.the capacity for survival or strong healthy growth in a plant or animal: hybrid vigour
5.the most active period or stage of life, manhood, etc; prime
Here are some better words we'd like to hear to describe our children's schools:
- joy
- enthusiasm
- respect
- creativity
- flexibility
- human
- valuable
- worthwhile
Standardized testing and common core don't align with any of those nice words. Common Core does not RESPECT our children, it respects the corporations who are making a money from selling their curriculum, their assessments, and their standardized tests.
Therein lies the problem: Corporations respect money, not children.
Just consider the words they use to refer to people:
"Human Capital"
It de-humanizes and corporatizes our children, their teachers, and their learning environments. So cold and unpersonal.
Don't believe us? Look what was just announced this week:
Bill Gates' Microsoft is partnering with the Pearson Publishing Giant to create a Common Core curriculum. (Click HERE to see the article about it). It will be for "a digital personalized learning environment that is 100 percent aligned to the new standards for college and career readiness."
And it is going to "reduce costs." How??? by removing the real, human teacher from the equation because, after all, it is much cheaper to buy a Microsoft computer program than to pay the salary & benefits of a professional teacher. (Of course, Bill Gates' children won't do this program... They attend the best private school money can buy in Seattle that has a low student:teacher ratio, rich and varied Arts programs, and plenty of hands-on learning opportunities). Another case of profiting from Other People's Children...
Momma Bears aren't happy about this destruction and depersonalization of our children's education... Be prepared to face OUR "Rigor" as we fight for "Vigor" in our children's schools.