Teachers Appreciation Week
Thanks for standing next to our stinky, sweaty middle schoolers for a picture. We hope the small bottle of Febreeze we sent in helps freshen your classroom.
Thanks for sitting with our kindergarteners during naptime and helping them adapt to school. We think you are their new favorite person. Sniff, sniff
Thanks for checking on our teenagers and asking them what's wrong after class. They don't talk to us much anymore so they could use an adult to check in on them and make sure they are okay.
Thanks for being so nice when you had to call us to pick up our kids. We sometimes forget when its our turn to drive carpool. So nice, to be reminded without judgment. We're sorry we made you late for picking up your own child.
And thanks for a million more things like teaching our kids how to read, be nice, take turns, use algebra in the real world, resolve conflicts, learn all the state capitols, and know state capitol is spelled with an "o" and not an "a."
And thanks to all the administrators who put the "pal" in principal.
And thanks to all the superintendents who had their students' and teachers' backs this year.
But most of all, we thank you for being teachers, not testers.
We know you are our children's role models. They learn a lot from just watching you. We are so proud and thankful for the teachers who stand up to the tyranny of testing and throw down their livelihood for our children. Some may call you agitators, rabble rousers, or trouble makers. But we call you HEROES.