Soooooo, what do you think happened?????? Did it work?
What does this mean?
It means that our students, schools, and LEAs have wasted their precious resources on a foolish venture that fails every single year!!!
Students are sitting in school cafeterias waiting on the state to fix test glitches; going nowhere just like Tennessee's flat NAEP scores this year.
Students are reporting they are not allowed to use their chromebooks and laptops until this testing issue has been resolved. They are locked out of online assignments and unable to access their online class materials.
Students are giving up three weeks of meaningful instruction time because teachers are not allowed to introduce any new curriculum once testing has begun.
Students are spending their class time learning a carefully choreographed routine called "we have to share computers" instead of learning their lessons.
And let's not forget the teachers and school administrators who have spent late nights and weekends preparing for TNReady. How much time was wasted on copious, often confusing instructions for a test that never happened?
All this effort, year after year, and the same results—another testing failure from TDOE.
TDOE sure knows how to pass the buck. Last time, they blamed Measurement, Inc. for the testing failure. This time, TDOE Commissioner Candice McQueen is blaming an outside attack. She sent out the following message to Tennessee's school district superintendents.
Make it Stop, please… end this torture of our kids
Thank You...
Then, spread the word and ask other to support these amendments. Let's end this once & for all. Our kids deserve an education that is not wasted on inept and abusive testing regimes.
Then, call Commissioner McQueen and tell her what you think about TNReady (615) 741-8457